Luxura X10

Luxura X10

Luxura X10 Level 5 Commercial Tanning Bed

Luxura's elite level 5, 10 minute commercial tanning bed

As aesthetically pleasing as it is comfortable, the Luxura X10 is the perfect combination of sleek European design and powerful tanning performance. It's ergonomically shaped reclining acrylic surface and refined upgraded features provide an incomparable tanning experience.

The Luxura X10 is boldly the most impressive bed in the Luxura line of tanning equipment. The spacious interior of this model joined with the Qsens cool body mist makes for the most comfortable tanning experience your customers can ask for. Coming in a strikingly sophisticated crystal white, the bed's cool design is sure to fit any salon's aesthetic.


The Luxura X10 packs up to fifty-two 160 and 180-watt lamps, four 520-watt high pressure facial lamps with HPS technology, and a remarkably fast session time of just ten minutes. The visually jaw-dropping bed comes standard with inviting features such as Ambient FlowLight with 30 vibrant colors, and the SoundAround audio system with the MyMP3 personal audio device interface. The unique IP control is the Intelligent Power System, a highly sophisticated technique that will allow your unit to have greater energy efficiency and extend your lamp lifespan to around 1500 hours. With the IP model your unit will have fifty-two 200-watt IP Lamps and four 520-watt facial lamps making it the top of the Luxura product line.


The X10 is the ultimate upgrade bed, the bed that tanners will line up to experience, and come back for again and again. Set this luxury bed in one of your upper level packages, or charge a fee for individual upgraded sessions. Though the X10 may appear large and intricate, the acrylic bench and canopy can be opened easily, making cleaning and maintenance simple for staff or technicians. If you want the absolute best for your salon and guests, this Luxura unit will give that to you.

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